
Sep 22, 2024

Things I'm excited for in autumn: persimmons

I don't know about the rest of you, but one thing I've struggled with ever since moving to Japan is the price of fruit. For the most part, things are a lot more expensive here than they are back home, so we find ourselves having to be savvy with the fruit we buy. 

It's part of why I love persimmons in the autumn months here. I'd never had them in my home country -- not sure if they don't grow well there or they're just not popular at your run of the mill supermarket chains -- but here I feel like they're an ubiquitous sign of the season. They're also SO cheap when they're at their best, especially at local farmer's markets if you have one of those nearby.

Things I'm excited for in autumn: persimmons photo

I like that they're quite versatile, too. You can eat them as they are, have them in salads, turn them into jam, and certain types are even good for drying! I like dried persimmons chopped up and added to granola, and served with greek yogurt -- it's a delicious breakfast that keeps me full and is satisfying at the same time.



Love to travel, interested in J-beauty products and consider myself a convenience store snack aficionado. Navigating the ever-present challenges of expat life, particularly about my TCK's (third culture kids).