Feb 6, 2022
Finally Using Japanese Deodorant
If you read random blogs on the internet (like this one) you might get the impression that Japan doesn't sell deodorant or that Japanese deodorant doesn't work. I think it's all a matter of the deodorant here being different than what we're used to.
I attempted to buy a natural deodorant on iHerb for the second time recently. They proceeded to inform me that the product (and several others) are out of stock After I started checking out. That was frustrating but I understand the supply chain has been disrupted these days. I've been out for a while but it's winter and I use a crystal stone which is usually enough in this season.
I looked at a couple stores and didn't see any familiar looking deodorant, if we're talking about Shapes. Here, they all look like small roll-ons. I was impatient and nothing looked like what I wanted. I have been using stick type deodorants and am not a fan of the roll-on or spray type. I read an article or two with some recommended local deodorants and those included stick deodorants.
At my local drugstore, I noticed there are in fact, stick deodorants. They are the same shape as the roll-ons, and look really tiny. They are also so much more expensive than what I can find online from the US, despite being smaller. The testers really helped because even with a mask I could check what they smelled like and check the appearance. The scents were not strong, but not something I enjoyed or needed.
I decided on the unscented Deonatulle Soft Stone W (double strength) 20g for 900 yen plus tax. This is supposedly the most popular brand and there are also men's versions.
It has worked fine so far, but we'll really see how things go this summer.