
Aug 3, 2024

Library Coworking: Thursday

I overdid it by going to two libraries today.

The first was in a Human Rights Center I have been to, but the "tosho corner" closes before the Japanese class I usually attend.

Library Coworking: Thursday photo

It was fun to check out the small library intended for kids and moms with small children. I think about half of the space is picture books, but there's a decent variety of other books.

There is also a cafe which has never been open when I go and in that free space there is always some kind of collaborative decoration happening. There are books there too.

Library Coworking: Thursday photo

I settled on some travel books to research. The desk spaces are really big.

This building has classrooms and study spaces upstairs and is similar to the lifelong learning or multicultural center library combos. 

Library Coworking: Thursday photo

Library two was the central library in the sort of "downtown" area of our small city. It is in a building shared with a preformance "hall" and there was some kind of event like an audition going on. Sometimes the space downstairs has bazaars with books or other used things for sale. The library has two floors and both were really full of people trying to stay cool. A big portion of the first floor is dedicated to kids books and comics.

Library Coworking: Thursday photo

The bookshelves go all the way to the ceiling along the walls.

I couldn't find anywhere to sit, so I moved on to run the rest of my errands.



Kanji and design nerd.