
May 27, 2023

Minimalist Maximist Japan

Minimalist Maximist Japan photo

On the left, "it's okay to not throw out" and on the right, "(next time,) throw away!"

In a bookstore I laughed about these two magazines publishing opposing ideas at the same time.

One has photos of hoarder-like rooms full of 'beloved collections.' "Live surrounded by things you love."

More like being swallowed by things you can't find.

The other promises to give tips on tidying up.


It seems like both extremes exist in Japan, but there is also the "trash house" or what I feel like the collection houses will quickly become with enough added stress. The people who have a big enough space could collect, but most people in Japan live in tiny spaces.

I have written about Marie Kondo here before. There is no shortage of books in Japan about how to clean or stay clean or organize all the things... There would be no reason to publish so many books like that if One of them actually worked for everyone.

KonMari was helpful, but I have to stay on top of putting things in their place.

Maybe the problem is that everywhere you go, someone is trying to sell something we don't need? 



Kanji and design nerd.