
Oct 12, 2021

Unique Yogurt in Japan

I feel like I'm not the only one who has mentioned this before, but there are some weird yogurt flavors here. As I haven't lived abroad in other countries, it's possible there are plenty of places that have more than plain, strawberry, and maybe mixed berry or peach yogurt. 

It hasn't really become boring to go grocery shopping here and be a bit surprised every time I notice a new to me or seasonal flavor of yogurt - or any number of kind of bizarre products honestly. It's kind of evolved from wonder and ignorance to either interest or skepticism. Meaning that some of the flavors don't seem at all appealing, not related to them being "too Japanese" for me. I've heard of wasabi or soy sauce flavored ice cream, but these yogurt flavors are much more tame sounding.

The others I tried just because they were new to me or sounded good PLUS I had never seen them anywhere else.

A couple recent examples of these two categories:

Unique Yogurt in Japan photo

I'll pass

I'm just not a fan of tomato in any form, period. I also wondered if this was like a plain yogurt with tomato flavor or a sweet tomato flavor... Tomato is a fruit and treated as such in these parts especially. Because my husband likes tomatoes and I mentioned this, he was interested to try the Morinaga brand two pack of tomato yogurt. He said it was like a plain yogurt with "fruit on the bottom"-like mix in sweet tomato topping. Not cheap, but maybe it was discounted because it's too weird for most people?

I also saw grape flavored yogurt the other day and it didn't sound appealing at all. I guess I'm weird about grape flavored things in general which is probably why.

Sure, I'll try it

One of the first weird-to-me yogurts I noticed while living here is aloe. It's kind of a year round, most brands, standard flavor here. I like aloe in general and occasionally buy it. I wonder why aloe yogurt isn't also a thing in North America.

I think sakura yogurt is something I've mentioned here before. It's so token Japanese and seasonal, but like other things sakura-flavored, just alright.

This Apollo yogurt was weird, haven't seen it around since then.

I'm sure I'm forgetting so many that I've tried over the years and there are some examples of tropical fruit flavored Greek yogurt sampled by @genkidesu here.

The most recent seasonal flavor experience has been this persimmon and Asian pear flavor by Dannone Bio.

Unique Yogurt in Japan photo

A bit pricier, but "autumn luxury" indeed.

This one is not around all the time because of seasonal availability of the two fruits it contains. I'm a fan and would get it once a year if they sell it every year. It's my first time to notice it but also the first year in this region if that is related.

It is probably that I'm really into fall foods in general, but the chunks of fruit and mild flavor were great.

Is there a seasonal yogurt flavor we should try or that Japanese companies should make? I wonder if pumpkin yogurt is a thing?



Kanji and design nerd.