
May 4, 2020

Tea Season Without the Festival

Tea Season Without the Festival photo

During the GW holiday, for the last two years, we've gone to a new tea picking festival. It's great and we would have gone this year, but as expected everything fun is canceled.

This year I'm focused on my health so I decided (again) to cut out coffee, a daily addiction for at least eight years. I've taken breaks for sure, but usually get back to a cup a day or more, and don't think it is the best for my health. I'm drinking this roasted dandelion instant "fake coffee" which claims to not have withdrawal symptoms. Not true!

One reason I keep going back to giving up coffee is that it isn't a locally produced crop.

I live so close to a tea growing region so it makes way more sense to drink green tea instead. I drink it daily already but am planning to replace my coffee habit with local Yame tea and hydrate better in general. I'm in the cutting back phase this week.

*raises mug of tea

Here's to health, for all of you! 



Kanji and design nerd.