Jan 2, 2021
BurgerKing's plant-based burger.... OMG!
There are some vegan burger shops in Tokyo, but they are usually fancy cafes. White, flowery, smell nice... They aren't like fast-food burgers, and I miss that atmosphere.
So Burger King made a plant-based burger, and that was my first time back in a fast-food restaurant since forever ago. I had to ask them to skip the mayo, as it contains dairy.
The burger... Oh My God!!!!!!!!!
It was crazy good! So delicious! The patty feels really char-grilled!!!! It was even "juicy", like what I remember non-vegan burgers are like! My bf tried it too and thought that it totally tastes like meat!
This is time-limited, but I HOPE they will have this as a regular thing in the future. Please go support it if it is still around!