
Mar 11, 2016

Japanese Bridal Kimonos

Japanese Bridal Kimonos photo
This week's Photo Friday post on my blog, Trekking with Becky, is about Japanese bridal kimonos.  I've been asked often growing up what Japanese brides wear, and of course, they're not interested in hearing about the western style wedding dress.  However, they're horrified to hear that they usually change into a hideous, ridiculous cupcake dress afterwards.

Anyway, I was lucky to come across two Japanese couples who were having their traditional Japanese wedding portraits taken in Okayama's famous Korakuen.  I was also lucky to have the opportunity to just put the outside layer of wedding kimonos on for quick pictures when I went to see the most amazing Hina Matsuri doll display a few years ago.

Here's the link for more - http://www.trekkingwithbecky.com/photo-friday-japanese-bridal-kimonos/

Find me on social media, and don't be shy to give me a shout anytime! :D


I'm half-Japanese originally from Canada, and I've been living in Japan since Sept. 2010.

I keep a blog about living in Japan and travel - Trekking with Becky - www.trekkingwithbecky.com


  • Bloggingmom

    on May 3

    I've been curious about Korean, Japanese, and Chinese traditional wedding attire for a while now.

  • kcsantosh

    on Dec 14

    wow beautiful