Feb 4, 2016
The Top 3 Samurai Spots
After having posted about the great sight-seeing freebie, Tottori Sakyu, I thought of another post that I wrote about with cheap and/or free sightseeing spots - what I believe are the top 3 samurai spots of Japan are. :D
Having been in Japan for over 5 years, I got to see tons of samurai spots, exhibits, etc., and I've narrowed them down to the top three. I listed them geographically in my post and of course, I included pictures from each spot. If you never make it to these three cities - Ako, Kumamoto, and Matsue, don't miss the samurai spots! :D
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I'm half-Japanese originally from Canada, and I've been living in Japan since Sept. 2010.
I keep a blog about living in Japan and travel - Trekking with Becky - www.trekkingwithbecky.com