
Sep 15, 2024

Otsukimi dishes for September 17th

Otsukimi, autumn moon viewing, falls on September 17th in 2024. What variations of tsukimi dishes do you prepare at home? Something with udon or soba or a fusion dish?



Living between the Tone and Edo Rivers in Higashi Katsushika area of Chiba Prefecture.

7 Answers

  • BigfamJapan

    on Sep 15

    I don't / won't prepare any tsukimi dishes, but I do pick the kids up some tsukimi treats. Just yesterday I got some otsukimi rabbits in Kasho Umon in Kawagoe station (have just added a review for the shop!) And I'll buy some dango tomorrow to have on Tuesday. :-)

  • genkidesu

    on Sep 16

    I have to admit we often turn to fast food places to celebrate. There are usually variations of tsukimi burgers featuring eggs to represent the moon at chains like McDonalds (Burger King opts for pineapple), and sometimes they even have tsukimi-themed desserts. It might not be the most traditional route, but it's fun!

  • TonetoEdo

    on Sep 16

    @BigfamJapan I just read your review and will have a gander when I'm next in Kawagoe City. I visit a few times a year. Thanks always for your thorough coverage of Kawagoe's eats and sights!

  • TonetoEdo

    on Sep 16

    @genkidesu I get it, busy families are pressed for time when it comes to seasonal stuff. Okay, so I'm having a think now about traditional dishes I can make easily, and considering some fusion cuisine ideas to tell you about later...

  • genkidesu

    on Sep 16

    @TonetoEdo feel free to share if you have any good ones! I think the easiest recipe for me would just be satsumaimo gohan, which is a lot healthier than a burger ;)

  • TonetoEdo

    on Sep 17

    @genkidesu I'll make tsukimi fried rice tonight - chahan topped with a fried egg. I don't have a lot of imagination or appetite right now, but I figure that's in keeping with the tradition.

  • genkidesu

    on Sep 17

    @TonetoEdo oh that's a good one, and something my kids would enjoy, too! A good way to sneak some extra veggies into them!


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7 Answers

Otsukimi dishes for September 17th

Otsukimi, autumn moon viewing, falls on September 17th in 2024. What variations of tsukimi dishes do you prepare at home? Something with udon or soba or a fusion dish?


on Sep 15

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