
Nov 4, 2017

Effective cold medicine

Always nice to be handed a cold as you enter a 3-day weekend. I've been using the medicine (off the counter) in the image but it doesn't seem to have much clout. Does anyone have an cold medicine that they turn to in Japan that gets to work quickly?



Long-term foreign resident of Japan, moving deeper into Chiba for a slower life and lifestyle.

4 Answers

  • helloalissa

    on Nov 4

    Not a cold medicine necessarily, but lots of rest, water and tea, and specifically ginger tea. You can find 生姜茶 everywhere and that's one of the remedies I hear the locals use. I was recommended vitamin A by a pharmacist once (in a multi vitamin) and I suppose anything that helps out your immune system like that is beneficial, but had always heard vitamin C back home. (I also use the Royal Jelly & Propolis from Daiso when I feel less than genki.) Take care, unfortunately the cold season has already begun, it seems.

  • genkidesu

    on Nov 5

    I don't know if I can piggyback on this question or if I should ask a separate one, but if anyone has suggestions for kids meds too I'd love to know. Seems like that season has struck with a vengeance here already...

  • KamaT

    on Nov 6

    @helloalissa - Thanks for the tips. The ginger tea was a new one to me. Maybe I'll give it a go next time. For now though, things seem to have cleared up. Just in time for work! Thanks life!

  • KamaT

    on Nov 6

    @genkidesu - I don't know if the stuff in the image is suitable for kids, but it barely touched the sides as far as this adult is concerned.


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