Apr 13, 2021
Sleep remedies
Does anyone know of any good sleep aids or remedies that are easy to find in Japan? Nothing heavy, just over-the-counter stuff, herbal teas, other drinks, that kind of thing.
A foreign salaryman in Japan, documenting life from somewhere near 'salaryman town' Shimbashi, Tokyo. Way out of my depth!
on Apr 14
I use essential oils a bit. Lavender is great for relaxation and the smell is nice, too. You can buy various brands of lavender oil on Amazon Japan and there are a whole range of different diffusers, too. Chamomile tea is also great (my go-to is also Amazon Japan). They have the Celestial Seasonings brand (around 600 yen for 20 tea bags). Best of luck getting some good rest!
on Apr 14
on Apr 18
@SalarymanJim I find the evening wind-down routine of having tea also helps, it sort of settles my mind into the state that the day is done and I can relax. A couple of other things I like are the bath bomb fizzy things you can get at most drug stores (my closest is Welcia, but they also have them on Amazon JP). They have different scents but again the lavender is my go-to. I also have a white noise app on my phone which I turn on when my mind seems to race and I can't switch my brain off. It seems to help!
on Apr 19
on Apr 21
not exactly a remedy but I watch ASMR videos when I can't sleep. helps relax me . There are sleep aids at the drug store睡眠薬 suiminyaku . My husband takes them. Dorieru is the brand he says he takes. He also gets things from the doctor. I have been given from the doctor as well to help during really stressful times.
on Apr 22
on Apr 23
@SalarymanJim I'm also guilty of smartphone use before bed and there have been numerous research studies about how it impedes the brain's ability to switch off properly...and it takes longer to fall asleep. I think often a combination of approaches/strategies needs to be employed to sleep more restfully...it's tricky at times!
on Apr 23
on Apr 23
My Scottish and Japanese aunties swear by whiskey or shochu cut with hot water, respective to their cultures. It's not so much the alcohol content, but the soothing quality of the aroma and the nightly ritual that helps them wind down. Lately, I wish a good night to a friend and neighbor by messages or a phone call around the same time every evening. This helps me wrap up my day and settle down for the night.
on Apr 24
I just got a new Android phone and started using the "Digital Wellbeing - Bedtime mode" setting. OS probably has something similar. It makes the screen go black and white at my bedtime. Also all the notifications are off well before then. Like others mentioned, it's part of the bedtime routine. My husband's phone is set to just turn off automatically at bedtime. I haven't been staying up late using my phone... but I think I need that on my laptop too.
on Apr 24
on Apr 25
@genkidesu Ah, that must be its appeal - soothing my nerves before I turn in. Another one I find soothing is eucalyptus. I clean the house with a spray I made from eucalyptus and tea tree oil, and to me, the scent means I'm done cleaning and ready for rest. Maybe it's an acquired thing, but it works for me.
on Apr 26
on Jun 1
14 Answers