Jan 29, 2016
I have been teaching here for 8 years with only a BA. Im now thinking of doign the CELTA but I am dumb as to where to start
on Feb 1
I think the Cambridge CELTA office is in Kobe, isn't it? They hold courses there as far as I understand. I don't know if it's something you can do part time, or you need to be there for the full month or so. Have you tried the British Council? They might have courses. You can do CELTA online as well.
on Feb 2
on Feb 5
on Apr 28
First check the CELTA website: http://www.cambridgeenglish.org/teaching-english/teaching-qualifications/celta/, and also take a look at this article: https://www.city-cost.com/blogs/helloalissa/wroRM-living_money_education What is your reason for wanting CELTA certification at this point? Are you hoping to level up in your job/qualify for something specific? I rarely see CELTA requested for jobs in Japan. If you're thinking about teaching ESL elsewhere, it might be useful. I haven't done it, but know it's a full time month long program and costs over 200,000 yen. It's also of better quality than a TESOL certificate because of the required observations and feedback. I heard that part is super helpful... but you already have a lot of experience.
4 Answers