Dec 12, 2015
Household income
Household income is a required answer on the "your details" of an user's area. Is this question really necessary? Can it be left blank? Can you still get the points if it is left blank!? Thank you

Former nickname was "Saitama". Changed it to save confusion on place review posts! Irish, 20+ years in Japan! I also write on my personal website:
Best Answer
on Dec 17
Dear Saitama, To get those 50 points (indicated above Profile and Your Details in your user area) it's necessary to fill out all fields on both of those pages. However, this is only for the 50 points as indicated. It's not necessary to complete all the fields here to gain points for other actions. You'll still be awarded points for all the actions listed in your user area (blog posts e.t.c), if you choose not to. The only required fields in this case, are those indicated by red marks on the Profile form. The information you provide in your Profile and Your Details section is used to help us develop the best service we can for our users, as well as to direct any appropriate questionnaires to your user area, should you wish to answer them. Thanks for your important question Saitama. You can also have these questions addressed by sending us a message via the 'contact us' form here: See our privacy policy here: Thanks again, City-Cost
1 Answer