
May 3, 2016

Permanent Residence to Japanese national?

Recently, a friend who has been living in Japan on a permanent residence visa for 20 years has been getting letters from Immigrations asking why he has not become a Japanese national yet. I have a couple more years before I reach my 20 year status. Will I too be ask politely to change my nationality?



Lived on a military base in Japan for 7 years (until high school graduation). Returned. Am still here.

2 Answers

Best Answer

  • KamaT

    on May 4

    I know a lot of people on spouse visas who, every time they renew, get asked when they are planning to change to permanent residence. So this is the step after that then? I guess even the authorities want to whittle down the paper work!

  • ExploringJapan

    on Jun 12

    First time i heard about this being asked to apply for japanese nationality. Because i believe they are verystrict when itcomes to applying for japanese citizenship. Aside from staying long enough here you alsohave to pass certain test to prove you are eligible to be a japanese citizen.


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