
Mar 1, 2025

Tips and Tricks for City-Cost images

Are you like me, relying on a mobile device for your photography? I shoot with an iPad Mini 4, now a vintage item! I can't update it to the latest version of iPadOS, but I still get a lot of use out of it. How do you shoot your photos? What photo apps or processing do you use? Have you got tips or tricks on how to shoot or edit the photos you use in blogs?



Living between the Tone and Edo Rivers in Higashi Katsushika area of Chiba Prefecture.

4 Answers

  • genkidesu

    on Mar 1

    The issue I often have is the size -- I find that sometimes my image files from my phone are too big to upload, so I have to crop or resize them. For that, I use https://imageresizer.com/ which is quick, easy, and free. A lot of the photos I use on my blogs (especially ones that need more generic images) are ones of scenery/favorite destinations here that I have already uploaded to my social media accounts, and those are already compressed in size a bit from the originals. After the changes to the site and not being able to use CC images anymore, sometimes I make my own header images via Canva when I don't have an image that fits the theme well (e.g. sometimes I like to share interesting expat news articles, and I don't always have an image that fits what I want to write about).

  • TonetoEdo

    on Mar 2

    @genkidesu I'm running into the same issue as you and also resorting to Canva to create original images. Some of the images I use are original photos edited with Lunapic, transforming them into illustrations. Did you notice one of my reviews has a photo of the product with no background? Background removers or blurs have improved a lot. The product really stands out.

  • helloalissa

    on Mar 2

    I'm still using my laptop to add any content here, so when I need to edit photos, I usually use my phone's editor or the Windows Photos app. It also has the option to compress image sizes, remove backgrounds, markup, etc.

  • genkidesu

    on Mar 4

    @TonetoEdo I like the idea of taking out the background, you're right, it really does make the product stand out a lot. I'll have to look into that!


Awaiting More Answers

4 Answers

Every year, some years, one and done? How often do you visit local festivals?

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19 hours ago

4 Answers

Tips and Tricks for City-Cost images

Are you like me, relying on a mobile device for your photography? I shoot with an iPad Mini 4, now a vintage item! I can't update it to the latest version of iPadOS, but I still get a lot of use out of it. How do you shoot your photos? What photo apps or processing do you use? Have you got tips or tricks on how to shoot or edit the photos you use in blogs?


on Mar 1

7 Answers

Family, friends -- how often (if at all) do they visit you here?

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on Feb 26

5 Answers

Entrance ceremony clothes

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