
Feb 11, 2025

Places you recommend in your prefecture

Which places of scenic beauty, historic importance, and modernization do you recommend to visitors to your prefecture? I'm not asking for the "top 10" popularly promoted, but your reccos. Maybe places that visitors from abroad and foreign residents aren't aware of.



Living between the Tone and Edo Rivers in Higashi Katsushika area of Chiba Prefecture.

4 Answers

  • genkidesu

    on Feb 11

    Every time we've had visitors out here we've taken them up to the Hakkaisan Ropeway, which gives some gorgeous views out over our local area. I think it's a really nice way of them to get some scope of how mountainous it is out here (that always astounds my Aussie visitors), and it's just so pretty, especially during autumn when all the leaves are changing and the susuki is blowing in the breeze. We have a nice art museum in Urasa (Ikeda Museum of Art) which has some local art, a sports section (Olympic memorabilia and some baseball stuff), and more. It's located within a park that is just nice for a stroll. There are also some cool places to absorb sake culture out here, like the Tamagawa Brewery in Uonuma. They do free tastings and they even have some English speakers. The Uonuma no Sato complex is also really cool, especially when you can see the snow that they use to cool/store sake year round. I guess one thing I've realized over the years I've lived here is that our guests often just want to see and experience everyday life in Japan. They get excited over trips to the supermarket or convenience stores!

  • genkidesu

    on Feb 22

    @ToneToEdo since no one else has responded yet, I'd love to hear your favorites in Chiba!

  • TonetoEdo

    on Feb 22

    @genkidesu I've blogged here about a few. I wrote about Kashiwa no Ha Smart City, a modern and innovative neighborhood in Kashiwa City. I've taken visitors on day trips there to see Kashiwa no Ha Park with its boat house and traditional tea garden, Konbukuro Pond, and T-Site. It's interesting for its innovation as a "smart city", a neighborhood that collects data from residents to provide public and private services that suit their needs. For the Romantic Japan theme, I wrote Romantic Japan: Edo Era Chiba Prefecture Towns. One of my visitors accompanied me on a walk through Sakura City in Chiba and adored it! My impression is that it's not widely known to inbound tourists but it has lots of historic spots - buke yashiki, National Museum of Japanese History, and the Former Hotta Residence, all worth seeing on a day trip.

  • genkidesu

    on Feb 26

    @TonetoEdo I like those Edo-era suggestions in your article, some good options for the step-back-in-time feeling that don't seem as crowded as some other tourist hotspots here.


Awaiting More Answers

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