
My Name is Ice Cream

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Food/Drink | Avg price: ¥750 | English Available: None (Unknown)



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  • genkidesu

    on Mar 25

    Now closed at this premises

    For anyone planning on getting their vegan ice cream fix, unfortunately this business has now closed at this location. I'm not sure if they're planning to reopen somewhere else, but if you are looking for vegan places in Niigata City I recommend searching online via Happy Cow for some suggestions.

  • genkidesu

    on May 15

    Quality vegan ice cream

    Although the business name sounds a bit odd to my English as a first language ears, My Name is Ice Cream is a delicious spot to get your ice cream fix. Amazingly, the flavors are all vegan, so if you are a plant-based eater (or have friends or family who are!) then there is even more impetus to visit. They have some unique flavors with a seasonal focus, and some are year-round staples.