
Nagareyama City Museum 流山市立博物館

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  • TonetoEdo

    on Sep 23

    Bakufu connections and agricultural history

    Nagareyama City's museum with free admission surpassed my expectations for a suburban city's exhibition. The museum is located above the library building not far from Nagareyama Station. The first exhibition room has a rotating display. Until November of 2022, this space features the history of the city's elementary school which just turned 150 years old. Artifacts include Showa era diplomas, photos of children in traditional dress, and school books. The permanent exhibition reveals the history of the region from Jomon era settlements, Heian monuments, Kamakura Bakufu connections, and agricultural activity into the Showa era. A full-scale reproduction of a Showa era house and intimations of the Shinsengumi presence are highlights.

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