
Bubba Gump Shrimp

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Food/Drink | Avg price: ¥1800 | English Available: None (Unknown)



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  • BlueButterfly

    on Dec 17

    Bubba Gump Shrimp - Forrest Gump Restaurant

    The famous movie Forrest Gump with Tom Hanks from 1994 has its own theme restaurant in Tokyo. The restaurants can be find at the third floor of the shopping center lalaport in Toyosu (there is also another one at the Tokyo Dome). At the entrance of the restaurant you can see many props from the movie like the bench, where Tom Hanks is sitting at telling his story. Also therre is a small store with goods from the movie and restaurant. The name Bubba Gumo is from Forrests best friend Bubba, who wanted to have his own Shrimp fishing boat. The restaurant offers mostly shrimp and other fish products in a great variety. From shrimp salad to popcorn shrimp or shrimp soup. There is also a dish called "shrimp heaven" which are four diffrent kinds of shrimps (fried, tempura, grilled...). Softdrings will be refilled for free as often as you want. The restaurant is perfect, if you go there in a group and share the dishes, otherwise it is kind of pricy even it tastes very good. The perfect place for shrimp lover! The also have some vegetarien options like the mushroomburger or salads. If you are lucky, you can get a seat at the windowside, from where you have a wonderful view to the ocean. Especially in the evening it is soe romantic, to see the colorful rainbowbridge from there. The menu is in Japanese and english and there are used to foreigners.

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