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Always tasty - and you can pay at this location with US Dollars!
If you love CoCo Ichibanya, then there's not really any need to waffle on about how tasty their food is, because you already know. If you haven't yet been to CoCo, then you must - there are locations all over Japan and you won't be disappointed if you're a curry lover. There are a couple of handy things about the Fussa location, though! The staff here speak fluent English, which is handy if your Japanese isn't great (although they have English menus, too), and at this particular store you can even pay for your meal with US dollars instead of yen if you have those on you (your change will be given back in the yen equivalent, though). Yokota Air Base is a stone's throw away so it caters to many of the service members and their families who carry dollars, but it's handy if you're a traveler and you're in the area too!
on Jan 9