
Sep 3, 2024

Condensed Milk Goes a Long Way


FamilyMart Shirokuma

Brand: FamiMaru

Price: 300 yen

Place of purchase: FamilyMart


The description

A cup of milk-flavored shaved ice with some generous swirls of condensed milk. It is topped with various fruits, including kiwi, slices of mikan, and red beans.

The good

The best thing for me about this product is the assortment of fruits included. The kiwi brings just the right amount of sour and the mikan is sweet. There are also strawberry, pineapple, and peach chunks making the product stay true to the label that says there are many fruits in it. The red beans keep the flavour grounded and help cleanse the palate. In terms of consistency, it seems like ice cream is mixed into the shaved ice, as there is a creamy texture to it even without the condensed milk. And as someone who enjoys the presence of condensed milk in shirokuma, that is a great bonus.

The not so good

Unfortunately, with great flavour comes great consequence. This product has a lot of calories at 341 kcal. Reading the list of ingredients, it's also a bit disappointing that the kiwi content isn't 100% real: there’s an ingredient listed as kiwi jelly sauce! So even if the kiwi on top is real, there is definitely a bit of an artificial boost from that sauce. Apart from this, it’s quite difficult to find more negatives about the dessert. That’s why I’ve given it a 5 out of 5, which is highly unusual for me.



I am a former engineer who moved to Japan to learn and teach street dance. Now I have been living in Japan for a few years while teaching English.