
May 29, 2019

Wood ear mushrooms, delicious stir fry

Wood ear mushrooms, delicious stir fry  photo


You’ve probably had these black, wrinkly mushrooms in a bowl of ramen. They have a slightly crunchy texture.

Wood ear mushrooms, delicious stir fry  photo

This evening, when I dropped by my local supermarket, I gravitated to the 見切品, the clearance goods in the produce section, and spied this box of kikurage, or wood ear mushrooms. They were cheap! 

These mushrooms are loaded with iron and B-1 and B-2 vitamins. 

You may may have had a helping of them in a bowl of ramen. They’re these strangely floppy yet crispy black things that have a subtle grassy or woody scent, but when you cook them, they take on the flavors of the other ingredients. 

Wood ear mushrooms, delicious stir fry  photo

Tonight, I stir fried them in olive oil and garlic with komatsuna, mustard greens. 

Wood ear mushrooms, delicious stir fry  photo

Half of this was dinner with brown rice and suigyoza, and he other half will go in my bento box. 

Do you use mushrooms in your your home cooking? What’s your favorite? 



Living between the Tone and Edo Rivers in Higashi Katsushika area of Chiba Prefecture.