
Sep 20, 2024

Things I'm excited for in autumn: chrysanthemums

I've said it many times here on City-Cost, but I've become a big flower aficionado during my time here in Japan. I love that there's something to look forward to during any season, and one autumn favorite for me is chrysanthemums.

We're fortunate to have an annual chrysanthemum festival at a local temple just a few minutes from home, where a ton of them are on display. I always think they're such elegant-looking flowers! They haven't yet announced the dates for the Urasa Chrysanthemum Festival this year, but based on last year it was from October 31st until November 12th.

Things I'm excited for in autumn: chrysanthemums photo

Elegant chrysanthemums at the Urasa Chrysanthemum Festival at Bishamondo Temple. It's a short walk from Urasa Station!

A little further from our home but still in Niigata, I'd recommend checking out Yahiko Shrine. As well as being home to some beautiful color in the form of changing leaves, you can also find a lot of chrysanthemums decorating the grounds there from November 1st to November 24th each year.

Things I'm excited for in autumn: chrysanthemums photo

Bonsai-style chrysanthemums at Yahiko Shrine.

There is no charge for either of the events I mentioned above, so if you're local to Niigata they're nice to check out for a wallet-friendly, nature-filled autumn day.

Do you have any good chrysanthemum events in your local area?



Love to travel, interested in J-beauty products and consider myself a convenience store snack aficionado. Navigating the ever-present challenges of expat life, particularly about my TCK's (third culture kids).