Mar 1, 2020
Sayonara to toilet paper and tissues
With COVID19 still the hot topic on everyone's list, and a confirmed case in Niigata yesterday, it seems like people here are heading into panic mode. In our local area Facebook group for foreigners living in Niigata, people have been sharing the aisles at their local supermarkets, and toilet paper and tissues are the common "stockpiling items" that folks seem to be hoarding.
I'm not going wild stocking up yet - I think the clutter of having additional stuff stored would bother me more! Have any of you thought about stocking up yet, and if so, what's on the list?
1 Comment
on Mar 1
My local supermarket here in Chiba looks similar -- pasta, cup noodles, and rice seem to be the main things. Didn't even bother looking at the tissue paper area. I saw a video earlier today of people stocking up in Costco and it looked like chaos. The TV program I watched this morning was saying that stockpiling of toilet tissues was uneccesary (something to do with a missplaced rumour that most of Japan's toilet tissue is made in China and that it has the same kind of properties as surgical masks, both of which are not true, according to the TV). I don't know, I guess a bit of panic buying is better than panic rioting and looting, but it all seems a little excessive to me at this stage.