Jul 5, 2020
Gallery - Here's a photo of the face shield I wear everyday in class.

After the school closure in March, English classes in the kindergarten where I work for 4 years now, finally resumed in June. Weeks before the official start of classes, I met with the school Directress and Assistant Directress. In the meeting, we discussed the new school calendar, plans, changes and how we can all adapt to the "new normal". Allow me to share how COVID-19 affected our school: 1. Changes in the School Calendar For most schools in Japan, classes started in June, 2 months later than the original April schedule. In my school, specifically, Special English lessons for Nenchu (Kinder 2) and Necho (Kinder 3) students began on June 16th while the once-a-week English classes for all levels (Seika) including Nensho (Kinder 1) students will be moved to September. The reason for the delay is to give Kinder 1 students ample time to adapt to the new environment. Usually, Seika classes start from the 4th week of April. Classes may have started late but I am happy to be back and see my old students who seem to have missed learning English as they come to school early and prepared. I am also happy to meet my new students who are eager to learn. 2. Wearing of Face Shield in Class As a safety and preventive measure from transmitting droplets, teacher and students are required to wear a clear plastic face shield during English class. Some may wonder why the need for a face shield when you can just wear a face mask. Here is the reason. In teaching English, it is important for students to hear and see how words are pronounced properly, hence, a face mask that covers the mouth is not an option. Wearing face shields may feel uncomfortable and limits the movements of the wearer especially while moving around the room, doing action songs or even while writing. In addition, with the summer season coming, the temperature rises and the garterized or adjustable velcro closure plastic face shield feels really hot to wear. But since safety is a priority, we will keep wearing the face shield as long as necessary. 3. Cancellation of Some School Activities Most, if not all activities scheduled in April and May were cancelled as classes started late and some did not push through for safety reasons. But given the current condition, where the virus has not been totally eliminated, there are more activities scheduled for the second half of the year that the students would miss. The yearly grand Summer Festival in our school that students, teachers, former students and guests look forward to every year will no longer push through. Instead, the school will just hold a simple activity exclusively for the students. Sweet potato digging (いも ほり) was cancelled. The pool will not be opened for students this year. Sleepover in school for Nencho students will also not happen this year. As for the other activities lined up this year, the school administration will play it by ear. With the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers and school administration are pushed to strategize and implement new ways and activities that would be fun and enjoyable for students. For teachers like me, how are things looking in your respective schools?