Apr 8, 2024
Gallery - Golden Autumn Glory

Photography during spring and autumn naturally focus on the wooded areas around the country, and these regions are defined by their balance. In fall, the colored leaves from the forests and glades surrounding Japan’s iconic peak on the Mt. Fuji as well as Kyoto and Osaka, are famous all over the world, but there are so many more photo ops off the beaten path where trees seem happy to speedily transform into their fall incarnations and showcase the rich reds, vibrant oranges, sparkling golds, and rare and sought after purple leaves that signify the arrival of the autumn. The colored leaves create a spectacular invitation for you to witness them firsthand. These moments are fleeting, so it’s time to seize the opportunity to create your personal gallery of natural balance by getting out there and enjoying what Japan’s seasons have to offer. The interplay of light, especially during golden hour seems to magnify the beauty of the autumn colored leaves. And just as the blue hour changes to golden hour, you can photograph the same scene and have remarkably different results. The unpredictable element of nature is part of what makes photography such an amazing art.